Monday, 28 February 2011

Eindhovuuuuuh - Cancelled

Tomorrow's show has been cancelled. From Plan To Progress has some troubles with their van, which is pretty shit when on tour of course... We hope to see them in Holland again soon.
Our next show will be on April 1st at the Roots Club, Monchengladbach (DE). In the weeks after that we'll hit the studio to record some songs.

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Yesterday in Breda was lots of fun! A really awesome venue. Good to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Thanks to Rikftk for setting up the show.

Our next show is coming Tuesday (March 1st) at Kafee Aloys, Eindhoven (NL) with From Plan To Progress (UK) and Josh Bevan (UK). Come and party with us!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Download the SE/OJW split

We've uploaded the Sweet Empire / Oliver John Ward split for you all to download for free or for a donation.
Go here to download it, enjoy!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Next show

This is our next show:

We're recording our debut full length soon! More info soon...

Monday, 7 February 2011


Thanks to all the people who have helped out with our UK tour, attended a show, said hi, drank a beer with us, took a picture, and whatever else we did or seen. We had a blast!
We'll try to name a few people, but we'll probably miss someone in the lists. If so, we're sorry and we thank you as well!

Thanks to Boris for driving us around and being awesome.
Thanks to Oliver John Ward for playing lots of awesome shows with us and being awesome.Thanks to all the promoters: Kev, DS, Dean, Chris, Tom, Alan, Kieran, John/Callum, Dan/Tommy, and Rob.
Thanks to all the people who let us party/stay at their place: Greg and the Cambridge people, Chris, Ryan/Chris, Alan/Drew, Kieran, John/Jen/Hazel/Betty, and Tommy/Rosie.
Thanks to all the bands we've played with: Caves, Bastad! Rats!, Leagues Apart, Just Panic, WeGrowBeards, Sweet Revenge, Dogfight, The Departed, Porches, The Dauntless Elite, The Stay Gones, Pure Graft, Vanilla Pod, Chief, Lineker, Grazes, Mouth, Rip It Up, Helen/Sam/Jim, Mega Games, Corrigan, Radicus, The Magnificent, Blackbeard, Crushing Blows, All Against Us, and Built Upon The Graves.

We appreciate everybody's help so much as for all of you this wouldn't have been possible. UK, you've been great to us!

Now here are some pictures:
(if you have some pictures please send 'm to us!)